Data: US South softwood industry

Original price was: $1,450.00.Current price is: $950.00.

Data file for report US South softwood industry – Outlook for the world’s most important softwood fiber basket

Price: 1450 USD. (Alternatively, 500 USD when purchased in combination with the report)


Section Page Contents
1: Growing importance of the US South
12 US South land area
13 US South forest area
14 US South’s share of forest resource and production, 2020
15 Forest area, NAI and fellings for US South and peers
16 Yield and harvest rate for US South and peers
17 US South softwood and hardwood growing stock
18 US South growing stock by diameter class
19,20 Softwood sawlog and pulplog prices by region
21 US South forest products capacity
2: Forest supply potential
24 Estimated productive softwood forest area
25 Annual planting, US South softwood
26 Age structure of softwood dominated forests
27 Softwood growth, productive forest 017-20
28 Estimated softwood growth, drain and stock (all forests)
29 Potential softwood supply, productive forests
31 Stumpage prices, real (2021) terms
32 Non-corporate private timberland holdings by size, largest timberland owners/managers
33 Estimated harvest rate by owner type
36 Increased softwood supply potential (short term) and implied forest industry growth
3: Raw material market and prices 
38 Roundwood harvest by grade in 2021e, Total roundwood harvest development
40 Softwood prices, 2000–2021 (real terms, $2021)
42,43 Softwood sawlog prices, 2010–2021
44,45 Softwood pulplog prices, 2010–2021
46,47 Softwood chip prices, 2010–2021
4: Forest industry and competitiveness
50 Estimated end-use of softwood fiber in the core forest industries, US South by state, 2020
52 Estimated domestic end-use of US South wood fiber, 2000-2020
53 North American softwood lumber production, 2000-2020 by region
55 Softwood lumber costs, delivered US, 2020 (estimated)
56 North American wood pellets capacity, 2008-2021 by region
58 Wood pellet costs, delivered UK / Benelux, 2020 (estimated)
60 North American pulp capacity, 2008-2020 by region
61 Wood pulp capacity in US South, 2021
62 BSKP cash costs, delivered China, 2020 (estimated)
5: Potential role on global markets
66 Log and chip exports from US South, time series
67 Global trade-flows 2020e – Softwood logs
68 US softwood lumber demand by segment, 2010-2023f
69 US softwood lumber demand-supply (2021e)
70 Export of Southern Yellow Pine lumber, 2000-2021
71 US South pellet exports, 2000-2021
72 European pellet demand and supply scenarios
73 US pulp exports 2000-2021, and by destination (2021)
74 Global market bleached kraft pulp capacity (2000, 2020) and softwood price premium (2000)
75 Global fluff pulp capacity growth, and leading fluff pulp producers
76 North American kraftliner market balance 2020 (estimated)
6: Conclusions and implications
80 US timberland investment returns 1995-2020
86 Pellet industry raw materials US South, estimated use of forest residues (US South vs. Sweden)