Report: Global lumber markets


Navigating in uncertain times

Market outlook 2023-25

Global markets for softwood lumber are entering a new phase in 2023-25, with weaker demand and pricing in most regions, after almost a decade of growth. Supply is also evolving with reductions in two key export regions, Canada BC and Central Europe, trade restrictions imposed on Russia, and strong capacity growth in the US South. Sawmill owners globally will face several challenges, in demand, prices and costs.

In this 110-page study by O’Kelly Acumen and Timber Exchange, we take stock of latest changes in softwood lumber markets, globally and with four regional deep dives (US, China, EU and MENA), and recommend several steps the sawmill industry can take to help meet these challenges.

Sale – 30% off : Get your copy of the report for just $1960 USD for a single-user license and $2730 USD for a corporate license. Purchase the data for an additional $500 USD.


  1. Global market overview
    • Market size and growth by region 2000-22
    • End-use applications and demand drivers
    • Production, trade and pricing by region 2000-22
  2. Market juncture in 2023
    • Inflection point in 2023 in demand and pricing
    • Early indications of cooling demand, weaker economy
    • Regional supply-side dynamics in short and long term
  3.  Regional perspectives 2023-2025 (United States, China, Europe, Middle East & North Africa)
    • Historical demand and supply 2000-22
    • Market segments and demand drivers
    • Macro-economic and demand outlook to 2025
    • Supply constraints and outlook to 2025
    • Market balance, export potential / import need
    • Analysis of key region-specific market dynamics
  4.  Sawmill strategies
    • Key challenges facing global industry 2023-25
    • Strategies to address through cost efficiency, supply management, diversification and channel strategy

Questions the report helps answer

  • How did softwood lumber demand, supply and pricing evolve by region in 2000-2022?
  • How will the weaker economic environment impact lumber demand in 2023-25?
  • What are the important end-use segments and demand drivers by region?
  • How does the demand and supply outlook vary by key region?
  • What potential do key supply regions have to increase lumber production?
  • What are the implications for trade, esp. regional import needs / export potential?
  • How can sawmill owners adapt to the weaker market outlook?
  • What role will sawmill technology and product innovation play?

Who the report is most relevant for

  • Sawmill owners / operators globally.
  • Lumber buyers, including construction, packaging and furniture manufacturers.
  • Lumber traders and wholesalers.
  • Forest owners and investors globally.
  • Pulp, panel and pellet industries using sawmill residues.
  • Suppliers of sawmill equipment and technology.
  • Analysts, consultants, financial institutions and industry associations

What you get

  • 110-page report in easy-to read slide format
  • One of authors available for 45 min interview
  • Access to ppt slides can be discussed


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