Data: Forest carbon markets

Original price was: $1,450.00.Current price is: $950.00.

Data file for report Forest carbon markets – How demand for forest carbon credits is shaping wood markets

Sale! 950 USD. Price: 1450 USD. (Alternatively, 500 USD when purchased in combination with the report)


Section Page Contents
1. Forests’ role in climate change
10 Forest carbon emissions and sequestration, 2001-2018
12 Climate mitigation potential from forests by 2030
2. Carbon pricing mechanisms
16 Growth of carbon pricing mechanisms
18 Carbon pricing revenue by instrument
19 Global carbon prices on leading exchanges, Average price by project type
21 Carbon credits issued by mechanism
22 Independent supply of carbon credits by project type
3. Forest carbon markets
27 Supply and price of forest and landuse credits on voluntary market, 2019
32 Forest carbon credit supply and demand by region, 2021 – Estimates
33 Forest carbon credit supply and demand by crediting mechanism
34 Independent supply of forestry and landuse credits
35 Independent forest carbon credits issued and retired
4. Implications for wood supply
42 Annual deforestation in tropical regions, Drivers of deforestation
43 Global industrial roundwood supply, Use of tropical industrial hardwood supply
45 International trade of tropical timbers, EU tropical timber import verified sustainable
46 Global import of tropical hardwood timber by destination, 2021
51 Typical rotation lengths in key plantation regions
5. Regional case studies
61 New Zealand: Forest carbon credits awarded on NZ ETS
62 New Zealand: Number of forestry participants in NZ ETS
64 New Zealand: Annual new planting of production forest
65 New Zealand: Official wood availability forecast to 2060
67 US: Independent supply of carbon credits from forestry and landuse – By project type
68 US: Independent supply of carbon credits from forestry and landuse – By state
69 US: Major forest land sales to forest carbon developers, 2011-2022
74 US: Annual industrial roundwood harvest
76 EU: LULUCF sink in EU by member, targets and actual