Data: European wood pellets


Data file for report European wood pellets – Fueling Europe’s energy transition

Price: 1450 USD. (Alternatively, 500 USD when purchased in combination with the report)


Section Page Contents
1. Context: The importance of European pellets
10 Global wood pellet demand
11 Net import of wood pellets by region, European import by source
12 Leading pellet producers globally, capacity by region 2023
13 Wood pellet prices in Austria and Sweden
14 Austrian wood raw material prices
2. Forces driving pellet demand growth
18 EU greenhouse gas emissions
19 Renewable energy share in EU by member, targets and actual
20 Energy efficiency in EU
21 Gross final energy consumption in EU
22 Renewable energy supply in EU
23 Forecast renewable energy supply2 by source in EU
28 Energy costs for residential heating – input and heat delivered (Ireland example)
3. Demand outlook
31 European wood pellet demand by region
32 Global wood pellet demand by segment, 2022
33 European wood pellet demand by market segment, 2014-22e
34 European wood pellet demand by market segment and region, 2022e
35 Residential energy demand in Europe
36 Residential energy sources in Europe
37 Pellet share of biomass in residential heating, Europe
38 Input energy costs for residential heating, Austria
39 Building stock in EU 1990-2025e, non-residential building stock by type 2021
40 Non-residential heating by energy source, Europe
41 Pellet share of biomass in non-residential heating, Europe (estimates)
42 Energy sector electricity and heat generation by fuel, Europe
43 Biomass share of energy sector fuel, Europe
44 European energy sector biomass penetration and growth
46 Pellet share of biomass in energy sector, Europe
47 Pellet price vs. cost of using coal in power generation
48 European coal power generation 2000-21
50 European pellet demand forecast
4. Price dynamics
55 Residential wood pellet prices, delivered
56 Industrial wood pellet prices, delivered
57 European wholesale gas prices (spot)
5. Supply potential and role of imports
59 European wood pellet supply
60 Estimated share of imports by market segment, 2022e
61 Wood pellet costs delivered UK / Benelux (estimated), 2023 Q2
63 Market concentration, European wood pellets – Share of capacity
64 European wood pellet production by region
65 Largest pellet-producing countries in Europe
66 Leading European pellet producers, 2023
68 Largest European pellet exporting countries
69 Largest European pellet importing countries
70 European pellet imports from largest sources
6. Raw materials and sourcing
76 Pellet raw material mix by country, 2021
78 European harvest versus lumber demand
79 Swedish prices for bioenergy
82 Pulplogs and sawdust prices in Sweden and Austria
85 Sawdust supply and demand drivers, Europe
87 Estimated supply and demand for recycled wood in Europe
7. Future scenarios and implications
94 Global carbon prices on leading exchanges
96 Forecast European softwood lumber demand
97 US pellet production and export to EU
101 Swedish prices for bioenergy and pulpwood